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1999-2014 The Respiratory Clinical Trials Centre (RCT) operated from the Burnside War Memorial Hospital at 120 Kensington Road, Toorak Gardens SA 5065, Australia. In 2015 RCT moved to 548 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond, SA. 5064 Australia. On the 26th April 2016, RCT moved to Suite 1, 83 Fullarton Road Kent Town SA Australia 5067.

In early 2021 RCT moved to the NEW premises at Suite 2, 75 Fullarton Road Kent Town SA 5067, Australia. This new facility is located upstairs from Respiratory SA, has off-street parking and is close to the city and airport.



It is important to have volunteers with available time to participate in clinical research. Your involvement is invaluable in assisting with getting new potential medications onto the market place.

Clinical trials run for different lengths of time and have the flexibility to move dates (within study windows) to suit your needs including potential holidays.

There is no need for a referral to see the Investigator or for any procedure required and there is no cost at all for either the Investigator assessment or procedure(s) undertaken.

All study procedures are conducted at RCT Suite 2, 75 Fullarton Road Kent Town, SA 5067 Australia  (Vitals, ECG, Lung Function, bloods etc). If requested, a copy of test results can be given to your General Practitioner to include in your files.

A Travel stipend will be paid for your study visits and alternatively if you prefer, a taxi can be made available to attend a study appointment.

If requested, meals can be provided for trial participants and the staff will be able to organize this for you especially in the event of having fasting bloods.

Any participant recruited into a clinical study is free to discontinue the trial at any time for any reason.

Consent Form

The participant information and consent form is either posted or emailed to you for review. This is written in lay terms by the sponsor (drug company) regarding the trial and starts with an introduction and rationale for the study plus outlines the procedures that will occur whilst on-study and where these will take place. Potential side-effects will be included in this information sheet information and explanation of all procedures that will be required to take place.

It is important to note that there is a particular set of criteria for inclusion onto a study and there could be a possibility that you may not meet this once all the screen tests are evaluated.

Trials are quite individual in their requirements and if you are not suited for one study you may in the future be suitable for another in the future. You will receive a copy of any signed Participant Information and Consent Form.

Consent Process

It is important that you have adequate time to read and discuss with family and/or GP and discuss with the Investigator or site staff with any concerns you may have.

If there are any questions you can call or email site staff and these will be clarified for you.

It is important to understand that you may after enrolling onto a study, withdraw consent at any time.

There may be multiple consents provided during the course of a trial and you may be asked to ‘re-consent’ as the form may have been updated with either safety information or perhaps administrative changes.

Your Personal Information

All clinical trials are conducted in the strictest of confidence therefore once you enroll (consent to participate) onto a trial you are generally provided with a number. Any trial information that is divulged to a third party or reported subsequently in a medical publication will have all your identifying details such as your name removed.


Trial site staff welcome either telephone (08) 8331 1926 or email contact rctrials@rctc.com.au. If we are with other participants a message can be left or alternatively the telephone number diverts (24/7) from the answering machine.

If you enroll onto study you will also have a participant card in your wallet with this information (including Emergency contacts) is also provided in the  Participant Information and Consent Form.

GP Notification

All participants information will be provided to the GP at the study start and completion and/or withdrawal.

Register Interest

We would welcome your potential participation but we will require additional history from you to include for our files.

Feel free to contact the trial research staff on (08) 8331 1926 for more information or email the site on rctrials@rctc.com.au